One of the traits of successful people is the ability to make a decision quickly but change that decision slowly. I believe it was General Sherman who told one of his subordinate generals that indecision is a virus that will kill an army.
It is also a virus that will kill your opportunity for success. Making a wrong decision may cost you some time and money, making no decision will cost you your future. When a general is unable to be decisive in the heat of battle, his troops lose faith in him, his ability to lead erodes and soon his entire army becomes so demoralized that even a small group of farmers can defeat a larger professional group of soldiers.
This is also true in business, the longer an executive takes to make a decision the less likely that the final decision will work as planned. Entire corporations become afflicted with "analysis paralysis" because every single possible outcome must be considered and analyzed before a decision will be made. If you know anything about math you will know that the combination of even 10 or 15 variables can yield thousands of possible outcomes.
Analyzing everyone of those outcomes becomes a never-ending quest and the corporation becomes paralyzed and unable to function. Opportunities will come and go as the analysis continues, answering "What happens if..." becomes the business of the business rather than earning money. And soon the business dies because it was paralyzed and couldn't make the decision to live.
The same thing happens with small internet businesses, we want success to be guaranteed, we want all risk removed before we will act, we really want to be employees with entrepreneur incomes. The guarantees offered aren't good enough because "What if..." can never be completely answered. So we watch as others reap the rewards of making a decision and we tell the story to our grandchildren about how we could have purchased Apple stock in 1978 but, who knew computers would ever be this popular?
There are five questions which you should answer to make your decision about internet marketing and whether you should join a particular opportunity, if you get a "Yes" answer to every question then you should sign up and get busy. A no answer to any questions means move on, that opportunity is not for you.
Here are the five questions:
1. Is there a real person who will answer my questions and who is actually concerned about my success? Only you can do what it takes to be successful but sometimes you need a nudge to send you in the right direction. Being an entrepreneur means you must be a self-starter but it does not mean you need to be the lone ranger.
2. Is there some kind of training program that will get me started today? No one should expect you to know all the answers before you begin and there should be a program to help you become profitable as quickly as possible. Remember that different people become successful at different rates so use the training to become successful at your speed whether that is quicker or slower than others.
3. Do I personally like the product or service being offered? A product you believe in will provide you with incentive to become a skilled marketer, a product you think is ridiculous will never make you a dime because you won't be able to write compelling ad copy because you just don't believe in it. For many people a product or service must benefit humankind in some way for them to become involved. Know yourself and your belief system.
4. Does the opportunity provide me a long-term future? With some opportunities you might come up with a maybe rather than a yes or no. A company with several years of success is a good indication of future profitability. If you are considering a new launch and all the excitement that goes with it you really will not know if a long-term future is available. If you are a risk taker then you may want to go forward with the opportunity. If you are scared silly about failure there may be too much unknown for you to go forward.
5. Does the opportunity provide sufficient income to meet my goals? There are many opportunities available that provide a modest income and they have a great track record. But if you want to make six figures a month you need an opportunity with that kind of potential. How do you know? There are websites that have information on incomes of high-producers, however, if you can't trust the people you are going into business with to give you good information the you might want to consider another opportunity.
Answer these five questions to become a good decision maker and you will find your life will be filled with less struggle because you have taken charge of your life!
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