I am the mother of a 5-year-old American boy who occasionally watches television. This means that we are now members of the Power Ranger Cult. I admit when I was first exposed to these multi-colored heroes I was more than a little disdainful. I did much to dissuade my son from his attachment, but it was pretty difficult to counteract the spell of the warrior-teens, their paleontologist leader, and dinosaur helpers. As time went on, new generations of Power Rangers came into being and I learned more about the long history of Power Rangers I came to see that they are actually a good influence on my son's life -- and mine as well. Here are 10 ways that the Power Rangers have provided positive role models for both my son and myself.
First, the Power Rangers teach their young audience how to be a good person. The shows consistently demonstrate the teens helping others. They are heroes so they fight a range of villains and evil forces while in full Power Ranger mode. However the youths also help out children, the homeless, and other needy folks while not powered up in ranger form.
Power Rangers are also all about respect. Sometimes they learn the hard way to be more respectful but by and large they are respectful of their elders, each other, and other humans, life forms, and places. In a world where so many people seem to have lost the habit of respect it is always refreshing to see it exemplified by a popular media form.
Fans can also learn a lot about friendship from the Power Rangers. Many story lines deal with the problems and challenges faced by friends. These stories teach children that friendship and love can cross any boundary from gender to race to age.
Loyalty is another important value that the Power Rangers exemplify. The heroes are loyal to each other as well as their values. Many story lines emphasize lessons based on this important trait.
Perseverance can also be learned from the Power Rangers as they face many struggles and challenges to master their skills and powers as well as overcome their foes. Many times they face seeming insurmountable obstacles but Power Rangers don't give up.
They also demonstrate that determination and hard word are keys to success. Despite having super powers (or magic) and some pretty nifty tools, gadgets and assistants, nothing ever comes easy to the Power Rangers. They always win in the end but sometimes have to pay a pretty steep price for success.
Flexibility is another Power Ranger trait. Effective Rangers are flexible and adapt to changing circumstances, challenges, abilities, and allies. The ability to adapt and change is also key to success in real life so this is a good lesson that can benefit us all.
Learning is also a priority for the Power Rangers. They place great value on their education and training, not only as Rangers, but also as people. They recognize the knowledge is power and can be one of the greatest weapon anyone possesses.
Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is also an important Ranger lesson. The rangers recognize they are more powerful and more effective if they are in top form both physically and emotionally.
And last, but certainly not least, the Power Rangers teach us all how to be a hero. They regularly give of themselves for the greater good and I can only hope that as more and more children are influenced by the Power Rangers that we will then have more and more heroes among us.
While I don't advocate buying into the vast franchise system powered by the rangers, although I must admit we have everything from jockey shorts and costumes to toys and DVDs in our home, you might want to check out a few shows and judge for yourself. There is a lot that children, and adults, can learn from the Power Rangers.
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