Writing this article brings back some fond memories. It was in the spring of 2007 that I finally had enough of hacking up every golf course I played, getting yelled at by rangers,irritating the poor people who had the misfortune of playing behind me, that I made the decision to get my game on track. Now I can go on forever and use up two times the amount of words allowed in this article to tell you how I tried to put together a good golf swing but I'll spare you the monotony. So, lets cut to the chase.
If you are just starting out, please realize that the game of golf cannot be learned simply in a few weeks. Look at any article on the internet and you will see that this is an acquired skill that will take a few years to comprehend.
Do you self a favor, don't go out and spend a fortune on a brand new, latest technology, set of clubs as they will not give you a edge to shorten your learning curve. Get a used set, you will find plenty of choices on eBay or Craigslist. When you get more proficient, that will be the time to consider a set of cubs fit to your style.
Now, I wish I had this advice when I started. Seek out a golf professional to help you learn the proper methods of holding and swinging a golf club and I don't mean taking one lesson or two. You need to enroll in a good golf school as it will take at least three months if not longer to build a decent golf swing. Some people will tell you, just go out and play you'll pick it up but you will most likely pick up many bad habits that will be hard to break later on. Trust me on this. Yes, I know this can be expensive but some schools offer a payment plan to help ease the burden.
In order to save some money, I suggest getting a resident golf card from your local golf course. The initial cost will be paid for after a few rounds due to the discount you will get for greens fees for being a member.
I cannot stress enough the importance of practice. Yes, in order to groove a consistent swing you should get to the range as often as possible. Now don't go out and hit balls one after another with no plan, I simulate playing a hole in my mind. Start out with the driver, then play your second shot trying to hit a specific target. This will help you when you are actually playing.
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